Wednesday, March 9, 2016

On what would've been our 10th month...

It's been almost 10 months since we first met...

I'm far too late on this one, but please allow me to tell you 100 reasons why I love him in no particular order:
  1. His touch... Because his hugs were the one thing that could comfort me after a rough day at work.
  2. The way he looked at me... Because I felt loved.
  3. His breakfast burritos... Because before him I had no idea how good they could be.
  4. The way he laughed hysterically at the jokes going on in his head.
  5. His playfulness... Because around him I felt like I was a kid again.
  6. His creativity... This is a man who is constantly going.
  7. His childish ways... He was a very sore loser when it came to video games.
  8. He was friendly.  He's the guy I could introduce to anyone.
  9. He was forgiving.
  10. He was understanding.
  11. He changed my tires.
  12. He killed the giant spider.
  13. He was a Dad to Luna.
  14. He did the laundry and dishes when he was home and I was working.
  15. His intelligence... He was probably one of the smartest people I've ever encountered.
  16. Our first date... Because first impressions are everything.  
  17. His voice... Because he could bring me back to Earth in a second with it.
  18. He was the best lover... He aimed to please. 
  19. Autumn Isabella and Atlas Ivan.
  20. The way he loved his nieces and nephews...  He was the definition of what an uncle should be.
  21. The way he called me wife...  Even though we weren't married. 
  22. His smell.
  23. His confidence and lack of...  It was a constant battle but it showed me how human he was.
  24. He made me feel like I was his equal.
  25. He was the first man to ever buy me clothing items.  I actually liked them.  
  26. He introduced me to Bernie Sanders way before he was a household name.
  27. He believes in justice.
  28. His eyes.
  29. His luscious locks (thanks to Cantu).
  30. The way he kissed my hands and arms.
  31. Catnip.
  32. Our videos/sketches/photographs... 
  33. Our "wedding"... the only reason why I think he agreed to it was because he knew how much it meant to me.
  34. PDA... I actually hated him trying to make out with me in public, but it was proof of how unashamed he was of me.
  35. He was my best friend.
  36. He ate everything I cooked for him.
  37. He took care of me when I was sick.
  38. He brought me my pills to school when I forgot to take them.
  39. He took Luna to the doctor's.
  40. Hot showers and Robi Draco Rosa playing in the background.
  41. He likes old school Adele.
  42. His playlist on Spotify.
  43. He takes care of animals.
  44. Cuddling in bed with him.
  45. His batman shirt with all the holes.
  46. Bojack and our matching Halloween costumes.  
  47. Top 5s.
  48. The dollar theater.
  49. Because the word motherfucker was added to my vocab.
  50. Because we would cuss at each other all the time and never get mad.
  51. He made me smile big smiles.
  52. Star Wars.
  53. He introduced me to street tacos.
  54. Because I wanted to share everything with him.
  55. Because we shared a laptop for our facebook accounts.
  56. Our drive back from Oklahoma. 
  57. Our trip to Denton.
  58. Our plans of getting a house... maybe moving to another country.
  59. Jamaican Independence Day. 
  60. The Green Elephant. 
  61. Watching "The X-files" with him.
  62. Our song... Today
  63. His bubble butt.
  64. "Those two girls look like they like small dicks"
  65. He puts everything where it doesn't go.
  66. Conspiracy Theories... End times, mmm.
  67. Cargo shorts.
  68. He hates flip flops.
  69. He's not ashamed of saying that he doesn't like Puerto Rican food.
  70. He loves Mexican candy.
  71. He was proud of my accomplishments.
  72. His feet smell.
  73. He loved the mysteries of the Universe.
  74. The reason why he went into Economics.
  75. He helped Luna with her Math.
  76. He helped Luna with her youtube channel.
  77. He believed dreams were messages to be taken seriously.
  78. The day after we met he deleted tinder because he had found me.
  79. The fact that he disliked most of the shows that I liked.
  80. It Follows. - The one thing we agree on 100%
  81. He got me a couch.
  82. He showed me new places.
  83. He was my first New Year's Eve kiss.
  84. He uses way too much garlic in his cooking.
  85. He got me into wine.
  86. He always wanted me to have fun.
  87. I loved his podcast.
  88. He hated anything that had to do with celebrity gossip.
  89. He slept next to me even though my snoring kept him up.  
  90. Not cooking for you sucks.
  91. Not rearranging what you put in the wrong place sucks.
  92. Not coming home to you sucks.
  93. Not waking up next to you fucking sucks.
  94. Not hearing you say you love me sucks.
  95. Not being able to tell you about my day sucks.
  96. Not planning for Puerto Rico with you sucks.
  97. Not playing around with you sucks.
  98. Not touching you sucks.
  99. Not calling you my boyfriend sucks.  
  100. Not being a family anymore breaks my heart...
There is obviously more than just 100 reasons why I love you... Even though it still breaks my heart, I understand that if I found this once, I can find it again in another person.  

1 comment:

  1. 😢 your heartache makes me want to fly and hug you.... been there... and today I have a wonderful husband, 3 lovely dogs and twin baby boys. You'll have it all again Angie, with him or another one, you'll eventually have it all again and much more!
